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About Me

Nancy is a published author and business coach. She has a true entrepreneurial spirit and has created and ran more businesses than she can count, as well as help countless others do the same.

Whether you are taking one of her courses, are a member of one of her membership groups, or being coached one on one, you will find you are continually gaining new tools to create, and market your own business too. She is a born teacher and loves to see others grow, prosper, and succeed.

Find out what she can do for you!


“Over the last 16 or so years that I have known her, Nancy has proven to be a wonderful source of inspiration, support, and helpful instruction as I have grown my own art and graphic design business! 

She has given me constructive feedback on my online presence, supported and reviewed new products I have created, given me advice on how to better market myself on social media, and has simply been a great sounding board for new ideas and concepts. 

I know I can trust her judgment because I have seen the care and time she has put into her own work throughout the years - we share the same dedication to quality, craftsmanship, and integrity in all that we do.  I greatly value her as an entrepreneurial ally and a guide in my business as I grow!”

- AK Westerman @AKOrganic Abstracts & Graphic Design

“Nancy is a woman of many talents and has a lifetime of amazing experience that is a gift to everyone who knows her. Nancy has been so extremely helpful to me and our ministry. She has been willing to help with her knowledge, experience, and most of all with her undaunted enthusiasm.

She has vaulted my knowledge base exponentially and even if I just spend 10 minutes with her, I'm guaranteed to walk away with more knowledge, more determination to move forward, and a greater "can do" attitude. If you are looking for someone who will help you take your business or personal life to the next level, choose Nancy. I promise you won't be sorry.”

- Melisa Zimmerman @Bridge Builder Marriage Ministry

Online Coaching Resources

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Get this free guide...

How to Go From Hobby to Business

- for next to nothing!

Social Media Marketing Blitz

Journal and Workbook

Stay organized so you can do more expansive marketing in less time!

This 2-year customizable journal allows you to plan way ahead and prepare for an efficient marketing strategy!

Are You Ready?

Wondering if you are ready to go into business for yourself? Have a hobby that you love and have thought about going from hobby to business, but have concerns? This 3-day workshop can help you decide.

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